In the past 10 days, I started radiation therapy for the tumor in my sacrum. And an interesting change has happened in how people talk with me and the questions they ask and how much they talk with me. I wonder why that is?
Does radiation make my condition more predictable | understandable | less exciting | less scary?
Folks had been asking me all about what was known about my diagnosis. They encouraged me to describe the tests and the meaning of test results. And how were the new results same | different | worse/better than my previous | other regular people's? It was dizzying trying to learn all about the process of discovering, diagnosing and beginning treatment for a second fight with Multiple Myeloma. It gave me something important to do -- to be the investigator and the learner and the explainer.
It doesn't feel like anybody needs that for this part.
It's quieter around me now. My pain and symptoms are settled down into a steady grind. Without the support of hard-core scandal-made-famous medication, I wouldn't be able to endure the waiting for the relief promised by the radiation treatment. But I do have them and I have nearly daily contact with my medical team. They're doing much much more than saving my life right now. They are helping me to make my body peaceful and robust.
The forty pounds I gained while taking dexamethasone in Spring this year are all gone. I wear the clothes I did last year at the same time, not the ones two sizes larger anymore. Folks who see me say I look like I am my old self again. I do. Probably even better if you ask Femi. Whenever she looks my way, I feel the eyes of my wife on me. I look in her eyes and see her admiration of me. What a gift!
Thank you all for your prayers and thoughts. Every prayer and every time you tell me you are praying for me you pass along an energy that is lifting me up. I am grateful and blessed by you.
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