Monday, September 20, 2010

Getting There and Home Again

Sometimes we realize that we just have to ask for help. We don't usually do that. We manage on our own. But this time, we know we need to let people know we need a hand.

My doctor has said that though I could drive he has two reasons that make it a bad idea:
1. The amount of pain killers I need right now is very high. So I feel okay when the dosage is correct, but I am not really okay to be behind the wheel.
2. Sitting in the driver's seat is a bad position for my back. Even though the wound from my surgery is very nearly totally healed, the position creates even more pressure on those nerves.

What the doctor said is all true, and it makes a real problem for us that we cannot solve alone. That's because the next step in my treatment for my cancer is for me to get Radiation Treatment. The radiation machine is called a Tomograph. I lay down and they make sure that I am in exactly the same position every time. {They actually made four dot tattoos on me to use as markers to line me up next time} Then they send the rays in according to the plan for that day. My Doctor and his specialists have been designing the plan for where to send the radiation and how much to send. That plan could be ready for me as soon as Wednesday this week. Then we will know what they believe it will take to reduce the size of the tumor. If it is smaller then it will stop putting pressure on those nerves. Once that gets done, the pain will stop. We hope and pray.

The basic outline for the plan has already been set:
Every weekday (Monday through Friday)
For at least three weeks (they may add three more; to make a total of six weeks)
At 155 State Street in Hackensack.

Here is what the place looks like:

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We tested the drive on a very bad weather day that had a lot of traffic when we went for my simulation examination. Today I calculated the time it takes from the time I leave home until the time I am back at home, it takes about 2 1/2 hours each day. Not more.

That's because the ride is not a long one (35-40 minutes one way) and the traffic is about average for this part of New Jersey. Here is the actual route we drove to get there for my simulation exam.

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What we hope to find is someone or a small group of drivers with their own car(s) to pick me up, wait for me and bring me home each day.

If you want to call me here is my phone number: (908) 621-1206

Please feel free to pass this along to others who could help.

We could pay a small amount. Certainly we will pay for the tolls and fuel.

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