Greg Shroyer introduced this story to me in1985. According to his oft-told tale of Crazy Eddie, the answer to the penultimate question is the title of today's entry in this blog.
The man who gave this answer was in an unusual situation. He had secured a critical and final interview after many years of pursuit of a goal. He was finally facing a panel of psychiatrists for his "Is this guy crazy enough to get permanent status as a dependent of the State of California" evaluation. If this went well, the man wold receive a monthly "crazy pay" check for the rest of his life. His gardener, housekeeper and friends just South of the border where Eddie actually lived would all be be permanently well funded.
What was that question? It was this; "Mr Crazy Eddie, you hear voices and they talk to you. What do they tell you to do??
And Crazy Eddie found the words form themselves into a perfect koan just as they passed his lips, "They tell me to do nothing!"
They panel was satisfied. Crazy Eddie got his checks every month for the remainder of his life... Maybe Greg will add to the story some time and let us know how that all worked out for Crazy Eddie.
How is that at all related to my situation?
Well; I too had a critical review of my situation on Friday.
I too was keen to reach a satisfactory next step. And we did get there.
So for now; Dr D just wants me to get a new MRI in 3 months. Get off the dexamethasone. Go see him with the MRI to see that the steriod treatment was fully successful.
Uhmmmm. Well, he ACTUALLY WANTS to biopsy the tissue.
We just agreed that since we cannot find ANY test that says ANYTHING is wrong in my body.
Since there is NO swelling / pressure / pain / squeezing -- it's all gone ... !!!
Then the thing to do is Nothing! ... and that's what were going to do ...
'Nothing' never sounded so good! Keep fighting!